at the beginning of october, several members of our worship arts and leadership team had the opportunity to attend the catalyst conference (www.catalystconference.com). this was a very powerful experience and we are still processing the things the Holy Spirit impressed on us.
but we had another very impacting opportunity before we ever went to the conference. the redemptive arts team at 12stone church in atlanta (www.12stone.com) invested several hours into our team. they shared some wonderful ministry philosophy with us that really challenged and expanded our view of what we are called to do and how what we do affects the kingdom. we are so grateful for their investment in us.
so...after we returned home, these concepts kept burning themselves into my soul and i thought i would share my thoughts with you ~ as written to the team that went with me.
1. we are ALL communicators.
the idea that the teaching pastor is not the only communicator in the service is not really new to us, but it really struck me ~ in connection to the video..."sing your song", "tell your story", "paint your picture", etc. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0DvOxSgfKI) ~ that the best way to function to our highest potential as a team is to function to our highest potential individually. that said, i want to encourage you to individually pursue whatever creative outlet speaks to you and BRING IT!!! :) i know that God has put something in all of your hearts that He wants communicated ~ mine too! so...let's just go there!
2. look through the eyes of the people in the seats.
actually, dave said look through the shoes of the people, but that struck me kind of funny... :) i think is something that we already do, but we all know that we can do it better. whatever we can do to enhance their opportunity to experience God in our services, then, by all means, let's do it! what we do not only supports the message from the teaching pastor, but we create a 'feeling', an environment. people really WANT to experience God on a deeper level, so what will help them do that? hmmm... (talk amongst ya'selves)
3. develop an idea and pitch it.
we had a great ideation meeting two weeks ago, and that's a wonderful place to start. but i would really like us to take this a step further ~ if you have an idea about ANYthing, take the time to develop it on your own and then pitch it to me. i know this is a new concept, but i think it can propel us to a greater level of creativity and execution of ideas. i hope you think so too. so bring me ideas about music, video, comedy, drama, dance, testimony, stage, art, WHATEVER floats your boat. :)
4. surprised by the Holy Spirit
this ~ to me ~ was the most significant aspect of our time there. we listened to them talk about how they developed ideas and each of them worked hard in their specific area and then when it all came together, the Holy Spirit 'surprised' them by connecting it all on many different levels. i LONG to be surprised by the Holy Spirit in our services and i know you do too. that will only happen if we bathe all that we do in prayer and follow the Spirit's direction. i am so blessed to be part of a team of people who know who they are and who they aren't, what they can do and what they can't do, when things are done in our own power and when God's power is revealed through us. i have seen all of you (my team) in situations where you HAD to lean on God to pull off what you couldn't on your own. let's practice that in every moment!!! and just maybe we'll get 'surprised'!!! :)
your energy and excitement are infectious!
ReplyDeleteYou KNOW I'm "full of it" - ideas that is. ;) LOL